Stephen J Nicholls

Stephen J Nicholls

Deputy Director and Heart Health Theme Leader

South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute and University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia

  • Radcliffe


Dr Stephen Nicholls is a Consultant Cardiologist, Royal Adelaide Hospital, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia. He is also Professor of Cardiology at the University of Adelaide and the inaugural Heart Foundation Heart Health Theme Leader at the South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) where he is also the Director of the Vascular Research Centre.

Dr Nicholls undertook his medical degree at the University of Adelaide and completed his medical residency at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. Following advanced training in cardiovascular medicine in Newcastle, he undertook doctoral studies at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and Heart Research Institute focusing on the anti-inflammatory properties of HDL.

Articles by Stephen J Nicholls, Deputy Director and Heart Health Theme Leader

Management of Severe Dyslipidaemia: Role of PCSK9 Inhibitors

Stephen J Nicholls,

Citation: European Cardiology Review 2018;13(1):9–13.