




Lukes Broadcast

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This Radcliffe medical educational programme has been funded by an arm’s length sponsorship by Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Limited (“Novartis”). Novartis has had no input in development of the content or involvement in the delivery or execution of the educational programme.


In this live broadcast, we take a detailed look at how the NHS Long-Term Plan will impact the delivery of lipid-lowering management across UK primary care: how will specialist services be expected to work with primary care? What will the distinct roles be? These are some of the logistical questions we will be tackling with our multidisciplinary panel of experts.

In addition, our experts will be addressing the practicalities of using lipid-lowering therapies in primary care, providing an evidence based review of medications and addressing how to prescribe novel medications appropriately.


Satinder K Sandhu

Satinder K Sandhu

Gaku Nakazawa

Gaku Nakazawa

Martí Puigfel

Martí Puigfel


Faculty Biographies

Gaku Nakazawa

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Satinder K Sandhu

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Martí Puigfel

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